Home Page
Progress through the years
2025 Images
Alves 2
2024 Images
HFG1 & Abell 6 (2024)
Star Clusters in Cassiopeia
Rosette Nebula (2024)
Sol 02Nov24
MWP1 - (PK080-10.1)
Abell 85 (CTB 1) 2024
Propeller Nebula (2024)
Leading to Sh2-115
Crescent Nebula (2024)
Cygnus near IC 1311
Western Veil (2024)
NGC 6611/M 16 - Wide Field
SH2-54 and NGC 6604
Sol - 22May24
M 51
M3 Globular Cluster
SH2-263 (Raspberry Nebula)
IC 2177 (2024)
Clouds in California
NGC 2170
SH2-284 (2024)
2023 Images
M45 -Pleiades (2023)
NGC 2174 (2023)
NGC 1788
SH2-227 & NGC 1857
The Bubble (NGC 7635)
SH2-174 (Valentine Rose Nebula)
NGC 7822 Pillars (2023)
Pelican & Cygnus Wall (2023)
EGB6 (PK221+46.1)
Spider & Fly
Messier 101 (2023)
Soul Nebula (2023)
NGC 1491 (Fossil Footprint) 2023
IC 443 (Jellyfish Nebula) 2023
2022 Images
Andromeda Galaxy (2022)
Bat Nebula in Eastern Veil
NGC 7380 Wizard (2022)
SH2-132 (2022)
Cygnus Butterfly
SH2-140 & SH2-145
SNR G082.2+05.3
Just one area of Gas & Dust in Cygnus
Propeller Nebula (2022)
Around NGC 6914
SH2-115 & Abell 71 Wide Field
IC 4685
M20 - Trifid Nebula
SH2-101 (2022)
WR 134 in Cygnus
M 17 (2022)
M5 Star Cluster
Cederblad 51
Cone Nebula to NGC 2259
NGC 2353 (Stars & Stuff)
SH2-232 (2022)
IC 410 (Tadpoles) - 2022
2021 Images
SH2-224 (2021)
NGC 2174 (2021)
SH2-284 (2021)
Cocoon Nebula
Heart Nebula 2021
LBN 437 (SH2-126)
IC 1848 - Soul Nebula
SNR G082.2+05.3
LDN 909 & DWB 111
IC 5068
North of Sadr (Cygnus)
The Blue Horse Head Nebula
Messier 3 (2021)
Pink Moon Apr.2021
NGC 1499 (California Nebula)
MW2 (Dust Angel)
IC 2177 (Seagull) 2021
Abell 31 (2021)
SH2-308 Dolphin Nebula
Jones Emberson 1 (2021)
HFG1 & Abell 6
2020 Images
Abell 21 (2020) Madusa Nebula
M33 (2020)
SH2-132 (2020)
IC 1805 - Heart Nebula
SH2-155 - Cave Nebula
SH2-114 - The Flying Dragon
Abell 85 (CTB-1)
LDN1235 - Shark Nebula
IC 1396 with Elephant Trunk Nebula
IC 1311
Crescent toward Sadr
SH2-54 & NGC 6604
IC 1318 Sadr Region
IC4592 - Blue Horsehead
Rho Ophiuchi
NGC 2259
Horsehead & Flame
IC 2177
SH2-280 or LBN 973
Rosette Nebula
2019 Images
Veil Nebula
NGC 7822 (2019)
Lobster Claw & Bubble
Tulip Nebula & NGC 6871
Earth's Moon
Propeller Nebula
NGC 7129 & NGC 7142
NGC 7023 - Iris Nebula
M108 & M97
M13 Globular Cluster
HCG 44
M81 & M82
M5 Star Cluster
M3 Star Cluster
NGC 4565
M 101 Galaxy (2019)
Abell 33
M1 Crab Nebula
IC 410 Tadpoles
Jellyfish Nebula
2018 Images
Simeis 147
North America & Pelican
NGC 7635 Bubble Nebula
NGC 7822 (2018)
NGC 281 Pacman Nebula
Soap Bubble & Crescent Nebula
NGC 2327 Seagull Nebula HaSHO
NGC 2327 Seagull Nebula Ha
NGC 2359 Thor's Helmet
Jones Emberson 1
2017 Images
M31 Andromeda Galaxy
NGC 7293 Helix Nebula
NGC 2174 Monkey Head Nebula
M16 Eagle Nebula
NGC 6820 & NGC 6823
Abell 21 (2017) Medusa Nebula
NGC 2264 NB Colour
NGC 2264
IC 2118 Witch Head Nebula
M42 Orion Nebula
2016 Images
Cederblad 214
NGC 1491
IC 1795 The Fishhead Nebula
Bubble Nebula (2016)
NGC 7380 Wizard Nebula
Pickering's Triangle
Caldwell 33
Eastern Veil Nebula (Caldwell 33) - Ha
SH2-155 The Cave Nebula
Cave Nebula (Ha)
NGC7000 & IC5070
Cygnus Wall
Pelican Nebula
M 101 Galaxy (2016)
M3 - Star Cluster
IC 2177 - Seagull Nebula
A few Planetary Nebulae
Waxing Moon
Rosette Nebula - HSHO
Rosette Nebula - Ha
Earth's Moon
Horse Head & Flame Nebulae
NGC 2359
2015 Images
Tadpoles - Crop
IC 405 & IC 410
IC410 Tadpole Nebula Full
IC410 Tadpole Nebula
Soul Nebula
Dumbbell Nebula
M33 Triangulum Galaxy
NGC 281 PacMan Nebula
Melotte 15 (Heart of the Heart Nebula)
Heart Nebula
NGC 7822 (2015)
Propeller Nebula
Pickering's Triangle
Omega Nebula
Elephant's Trunk Nebula
M108 & M97
IC 2177
Cone & Christmas Tree
Monkey Head Nebula
Bubble Nebula & M52 (Open Cluster)
The Rosette
Jellyfish Nebula
2014 Images
Crab Nebula (2014)
The Horsehead & Flame
The Rosette Nebula
Thor's Helmet
Leo Triplet
Sombrero Galaxy
Pinwheel Galaxy
Eagle Nebula
Lagoon Nebula
Pelican Nebula
Veil Nebula
Great Orion Nebula
2013 Images
....and before!
Putting in the Observatory
Foundation Area
Foundation 1
Foundation 2
Building the Pier
Pier Completed
All wired up.
Ready for a nights work!
Observatory arrives
Neatly packed on the pallet
Construction underway
Ready to bolt the base to the concrete
Dome ready to go on.
Ready for side panel
Side panel fitted.
A look inside.
Solar Panel Power
Observatory 2
My Astro Imaging Gear
List of Hardware & Software
Connection Diagram - Electrical
Connection Diagrams - Hardware
Equatorial Mounts
Takahashi EM 400 Temma 2
Takahashi EM200 Temma 2
Takahashi FSQ130ED
Tak FSQ 106 ED
Tak FS 60 CB
Meade LX200R
QSI 6120i
Atik 460 EX
Other Equipment
Filter Wheel & Filters
Other Gear
Information & Links
On a more personal note...
Basic foundation for the pier. Note conduit for power cables.
Home Page
Progress through the years
2025 Images
Alves 2
2024 Images
HFG1 & Abell 6 (2024)
Star Clusters in Cassiopeia
Rosette Nebula (2024)
Sol 02Nov24
MWP1 - (PK080-10.1)
Abell 85 (CTB 1) 2024
Propeller Nebula (2024)
Leading to Sh2-115
Crescent Nebula (2024)
Cygnus near IC 1311
Western Veil (2024)
NGC 6611/M 16 - Wide Field
SH2-54 and NGC 6604
Sol - 22May24
M 51
M3 Globular Cluster
SH2-263 (Raspberry Nebula)
IC 2177 (2024)
Clouds in California
NGC 2170
SH2-284 (2024)
2023 Images
M45 -Pleiades (2023)
NGC 2174 (2023)
NGC 1788
SH2-227 & NGC 1857
The Bubble (NGC 7635)
SH2-174 (Valentine Rose Nebula)
NGC 7822 Pillars (2023)
Pelican & Cygnus Wall (2023)
EGB6 (PK221+46.1)
Spider & Fly
Messier 101 (2023)
Soul Nebula (2023)
NGC 1491 (Fossil Footprint) 2023
IC 443 (Jellyfish Nebula) 2023
2022 Images
Andromeda Galaxy (2022)
Bat Nebula in Eastern Veil
NGC 7380 Wizard (2022)
SH2-132 (2022)
Cygnus Butterfly
SH2-140 & SH2-145
SNR G082.2+05.3
Just one area of Gas & Dust in Cygnus
Propeller Nebula (2022)
Around NGC 6914
SH2-115 & Abell 71 Wide Field
IC 4685
M20 - Trifid Nebula
SH2-101 (2022)
WR 134 in Cygnus
M 17 (2022)
M5 Star Cluster
Cederblad 51
Cone Nebula to NGC 2259
NGC 2353 (Stars & Stuff)
SH2-232 (2022)
IC 410 (Tadpoles) - 2022
2021 Images
SH2-224 (2021)
NGC 2174 (2021)
SH2-284 (2021)
Cocoon Nebula
Heart Nebula 2021
LBN 437 (SH2-126)
IC 1848 - Soul Nebula
SNR G082.2+05.3
LDN 909 & DWB 111
IC 5068
North of Sadr (Cygnus)
The Blue Horse Head Nebula
Messier 3 (2021)
Pink Moon Apr.2021
NGC 1499 (California Nebula)
MW2 (Dust Angel)
IC 2177 (Seagull) 2021
Abell 31 (2021)
SH2-308 Dolphin Nebula
Jones Emberson 1 (2021)
HFG1 & Abell 6
2020 Images
Abell 21 (2020) Madusa Nebula
M33 (2020)
SH2-132 (2020)
IC 1805 - Heart Nebula
SH2-155 - Cave Nebula
SH2-114 - The Flying Dragon
Abell 85 (CTB-1)
LDN1235 - Shark Nebula
IC 1396 with Elephant Trunk Nebula
IC 1311
Crescent toward Sadr
SH2-54 & NGC 6604
IC 1318 Sadr Region
IC4592 - Blue Horsehead
Rho Ophiuchi
NGC 2259
Horsehead & Flame
IC 2177
SH2-280 or LBN 973
Rosette Nebula
2019 Images
Veil Nebula
NGC 7822 (2019)
Lobster Claw & Bubble
Tulip Nebula & NGC 6871
Earth's Moon
Propeller Nebula
NGC 7129 & NGC 7142
NGC 7023 - Iris Nebula
M108 & M97
M13 Globular Cluster
HCG 44
M81 & M82
M5 Star Cluster
M3 Star Cluster
NGC 4565
M 101 Galaxy (2019)
Abell 33
M1 Crab Nebula
IC 410 Tadpoles
Jellyfish Nebula
2018 Images
Simeis 147
North America & Pelican
NGC 7635 Bubble Nebula
NGC 7822 (2018)
NGC 281 Pacman Nebula
Soap Bubble & Crescent Nebula
NGC 2327 Seagull Nebula HaSHO
NGC 2327 Seagull Nebula Ha
NGC 2359 Thor's Helmet
Jones Emberson 1
2017 Images
M31 Andromeda Galaxy
NGC 7293 Helix Nebula
NGC 2174 Monkey Head Nebula
M16 Eagle Nebula
NGC 6820 & NGC 6823
Abell 21 (2017) Medusa Nebula
NGC 2264 NB Colour
NGC 2264
IC 2118 Witch Head Nebula
M42 Orion Nebula
2016 Images
Cederblad 214
NGC 1491
IC 1795 The Fishhead Nebula
Bubble Nebula (2016)
NGC 7380 Wizard Nebula
Pickering's Triangle
Caldwell 33
Eastern Veil Nebula (Caldwell 33) - Ha
SH2-155 The Cave Nebula
Cave Nebula (Ha)
NGC7000 & IC5070
Cygnus Wall
Pelican Nebula
M 101 Galaxy (2016)
M3 - Star Cluster
IC 2177 - Seagull Nebula
A few Planetary Nebulae
Waxing Moon
Rosette Nebula - HSHO
Rosette Nebula - Ha
Earth's Moon
Horse Head & Flame Nebulae
NGC 2359
2015 Images
Tadpoles - Crop
IC 405 & IC 410
IC410 Tadpole Nebula Full
IC410 Tadpole Nebula
Soul Nebula
Dumbbell Nebula
M33 Triangulum Galaxy
NGC 281 PacMan Nebula
Melotte 15 (Heart of the Heart Nebula)
Heart Nebula
NGC 7822 (2015)
Propeller Nebula
Pickering's Triangle
Omega Nebula
Elephant's Trunk Nebula
M108 & M97
IC 2177
Cone & Christmas Tree
Monkey Head Nebula
Bubble Nebula & M52 (Open Cluster)
The Rosette
Jellyfish Nebula
2014 Images
Crab Nebula (2014)
The Horsehead & Flame
The Rosette Nebula
Thor's Helmet
Leo Triplet
Sombrero Galaxy
Pinwheel Galaxy
Eagle Nebula
Lagoon Nebula
Pelican Nebula
Veil Nebula
Great Orion Nebula
2013 Images
....and before!
Putting in the Observatory
Foundation Area
Foundation 1
Foundation 2
Building the Pier
Pier Completed
All wired up.
Ready for a nights work!
Observatory arrives
Neatly packed on the pallet
Construction underway
Ready to bolt the base to the concrete
Dome ready to go on.
Ready for side panel
Side panel fitted.
A look inside.
Solar Panel Power
Observatory 2
My Astro Imaging Gear
List of Hardware & Software
Connection Diagram - Electrical
Connection Diagrams - Hardware
Equatorial Mounts
Takahashi EM 400 Temma 2
Takahashi EM200 Temma 2
Takahashi FSQ130ED
Tak FSQ 106 ED
Tak FS 60 CB
Meade LX200R
QSI 6120i
Atik 460 EX
Other Equipment
Filter Wheel & Filters
Other Gear
Information & Links
On a more personal note...